
Bringing Awareness To Suicide Prevention

How is Your Donation Used?

Every dollar contributed could save a life.

As with many non-profit organizations, spreading awareness about our mission is job #1.  For Shelby’s Way, that mission is preventing the growing number of suicides in this country by making folks more aware of the facts, the signs to look for, and ways to cope.  Suicide is personal to us and we’re very passionate about our mission.  Spreading that awareness takes money, with help from donors like you.  Advertising, passing out flyers, mailings, maintaining our website and social media connections, or attending events to promote our cause takes a big bite out of our available finances.

Shelby’s Way also wants to do more than just spread awareness. By using funds to take action in the community at a grass roots level, we help with funeral expenses, mental healthcare, everyday needs and much more.

  1. Funeral Expenses

    When a loved one tragically loses their life to suicide, insurance policies don’t pay. On top of trying to cope with the emotional devastation of losing a loved one, those family members left behind are immediately faced with the financial hardships of paying for expenses. We speak from experience, knowing that most families are not prepared to pay for the cost of burial services. By clicking the “donate” button, you help Shelby’s Way assist families in crisis who want to honor their loved ones with proper funerals.

    $2,700.00 donated
  1. Access to Mental Health

    Those who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts need quick access to mental health professionals. We never want the lack of medical insurance or the inability to pay for doctor’s visits and medications to prevent someone from getting the help they desperately need. When the money isn’t there, we aim to help those folks pay for professional help with available funds from donors like you. By clicking the “donate” button, you help Shelby’s Way assist these individuals with the care need.

    $4,715.00 donated
  1. Financial Assistance

    Struggling to meet life’s basic financial needs such as rent, utilities, food, clothing, and transportation can create enormous anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. We’ve seen this lead to suicidal thoughts and actions time and time again. We believe that providing fast, thorough, caring assistance to families and individuals in our local community can change the trajectory of their lives. By clicking the “donate” button, you help Shelby’s Way assist these folks with their immediate financial needs.

    $5,400.00 donated

20 For 12 Challenge

We encourage folks to accept our $20 for 12 months challenge. These regular donations help us budget for mental healthcare clients and their care throughout the year. Simply click donate and select the monthly giving check box to donate $20 each month.

  1. General Fund

    Shelby’s Way is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization and we need your help to continue operations and to fund our programs. All donations are tax deductible and no donation is too small or too large. Every donation helps! General donation funds are used to finance Shelby’s Way events and contribute to the general operation and advancement of Shelby’s Way.

    $20,129.00 donated

Other Ways To Give

Shop with a Purpose

Amazon Smile

You can give to Shelby’s Way every time you make a purchase on Amazon! All you have to do is select us as your charity of choice and remember to always shop at Amazon will send a percentage of sales back to us, it’s that easy. Simply click the link below and follow Amazon’s directions.

Kroger Rewards

With Kroger Community Rewards, fund-raising for Shelby’s Way is simple. All you have to do is create a rewards account, choose Shelby’s Way as your non-profit, then swipe your Kroger Plus Card at the checkout. Kroger will automatically donate a percentage back to us. Click the link below.

Thank You

We know that mental health and suicide is a sensitive subject. We’ve heard the stigmas around suicide that make it a “taboo” topic of discussion in many circles. Having open conversations about the suicide epidemic in this country, the facts, the signs to look for, and the ways to cope will slow the spread of this growing epidemic. That’s what Shelby’s Way is all about and we appreciate your donation in more ways than we can express.

Join us with love, hope, faith, compassion, and fellowship by going into your communities and helping spread our message of suicide prevention and God’s love.

“For I know what I have planned for you,” says the Lord. “I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11